Transdisciplinary Research in Digital Twin and Industry 4.0

Marcello Pellicciari
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
The advanced simulation and full digitalization of manufacturing systems are enabling the so called Fourth Industrial Revolution, commonly referred to as Industry 4.0, finally implementing Cyber Physical production Systems (CPPS) in production plants. In fact, the transdisciplinary integration of different knowledge domains and simulation models allows the development of virtual prototypes able to accurately replicate the real behavior of manufacturing systems and processes, with the possibility of a fast and effective full optimization of the targeted performance. Such virtual prototypes can be digitally connected, tuned and synchronized with the real manufacturing systems and processes, replicating their unique behavior, thus becoming Digital Twins, with whom it is possible to monitor, control and optimize the overall performance of complete plants and production processes.
This talk illustrates the fundamental components of a Digital Twin, as well as the simulation methods and technologies involved, with a special focus on the challenges that must be solved within a Transdisciplinary Engineering framework.
Marcello Pellicciari is full professor, chair in Engineering Design Methods and Tools at UNIMORE and Head of the X-in-the-Loop Simulation Lab (XiLAB). He is Director of the Industry 4.0 PhD School “E4E – Engineering for Economics – Economics for Engineering” on.
He contributed to the creation of joint University-Business laboratories for integrated design and industrial robotics, working on the introduction of virtual prototyping and digital methods for sustainable production and industry 4.0. He is expert coordinator of large industrial research projects, and member of numerous international committees and research work groups, establishing collaborations with European universities and research centers.
He is Associate Editor of the international journals “International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing” (Springer), “Mathematical Problems in Engineering” (Hindawi), and “International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications” (Springer).
He published more than 100 scientific articles and he is the inventor of a patent extended all over the world. He was chair of the conference FAIM2017 – Flexible automation and intelligent production.
He was scientific coordinator and leading scientist of European FP7 project COMET (Plug-and produce Components and METhods for Adaptive Control of Industrial Robots enabling cost effective, high precision manufacturing in factories of the future – FoF.NMP.2010-1) and European AREUS FP7 project (Automation and Robotics for EUropean Sustainable manufacturing – FOF.NMP.2013.1).